
We plan to have our sermons recorded starting in August 2024.

Until then, there may be various links or recorded messages.

Coming Soon.




"Being Led from bondage to promise"

We live in a broken world.   Our attempts to fix it, come up short. We all need to be delivered.  This is found in our Savior, Jesus Christ.  The story of Jesus coming is foreshadowed in the narration of Moses and the children of Isreal.  Bound in slavery, overwhelmed and oppressed, they cried to God.  He gave them a delivery through Moses.

Moses was raised as a Jew and Egyptian.  He tired on his own to take care of the people but failed.  Only after forty years as a shepherd, was he called by God to lead his people to the promise land.    This was promised long ago by God.

We too need to be led to where God wants us.  To be free of whatever is binding us.  Join us in finding deliverance.